The Aviators are looking for families to house players during the season. Families play a vital role in our operation, offering a bed for a player and a place that they can call home for the 12 weeks that they are in town. Players would be with your family from late May until early August.

The Perks:

Many benefits come from housing a player, whether it’s the opportunity to impact a young man’s future or allowing that same young man be a positive role model to your children or possibly getting to know a future Major League Baseball star, your involvement in this program is vital to our team’s success!

As a “Thank You!” for housing these players over the course of the season you will receive:

  • Season tickets for each member of your immediate family living in the household
  • 10% discount in the Team Store
  • Host family meet and greet with all team members
  • On-field recognition

Expectations of the Aviators Host Family

  • Have a bedroom and use of a bathroom for the player.
  • Two beds in one room for two players is fine, however, under no circumstances can a player share a bedroom with a non-player.
  • Players are expected to keep both the bedroom and bathroom clean.
  • Use of laundry facilities.
  • You may want the player to do his own laundry or you may want to do it for him…you have to let him know.
  • Within reason, have food available for the player. However, if the player wants special things such as special drinks, special snacks, etc… he should pay for those and get them himself.
  • The one thing the players need is plenty of rest. With their baseball schedule, rest is limited at best. It is important that they have a place to go if they want to get away from other activities going on in the Host Home. Also, there may be times that you will have to suggest that they get more rest. Remember…they play 60 games in 70 days, and 30 of those games are on the road. Sometimes, they will be arriving home at 2:00 am or 3:00 am and will need sleep.
  • Underage drinking is not allowed. Sometimes, your player will bring one of the other players home with them…make sure of their age if there is alcohol. We strongly discourage drinking and partying for all of our players and would appreciate your help with this, but we have to be extra careful with players under 21 years of age.
  • One of the main things you can do is speak with your player upon arrival about any expectations or rules you may have.
    That will alleviate any future problems.
  • If you have any problems or feel uncomfortable with your player, please let us know immediately. The sooner problems are addressed, the sooner they can be fixed.

To learn more about the Aviators host family program, call 765-464-6810 or email